
Apps in cuse are modular components that can be installed and run on a virtual computer. Each app is an instance of a class that extends the abstract App class and implements its core lifecycle methods.

Creating an App

To create a custom app, extend the App class and implement the required methods:

import { App, AppConfig } from '@cusedev/core';

class CustomApp extends App {
  constructor() {
      name: 'custom-app',
      platform: 'linux',
      autoStart: true

  async install(): Promise<void> {
    // Install dependencies or set up the app
    await this.computer.system.bash.execute({
      command: 'apt-get install -y your-dependency'

  async start(): Promise<void> {
    // Start your application
    await this.computer.system.bash.execute({
      command: 'start-your-app'

  async stop(): Promise<void> {
    // Clean up and stop your application
    await this.computer.system.bash.execute({
      command: 'stop-your-app'


When creating an app, you must provide an AppConfig:

namestringUnique name for your app
platformstringTarget platform (e.g., ‘linux’, ‘windows’)
autoStartbooleanWhether to start the app automatically when the computer boots

Lifecycle Methods

Each app must implement three core lifecycle methods:

  • install(): Called when the app is first initialized. Use this to install dependencies or set up the app environment.
  • start(): Called when the app should start running, either automatically if autoStart is true or manually.
  • stop(): Called when the app should shut down, typically when the computer is shutting down.

Using Apps with a Computer

To use your apps with a Computer instance, first define an interface for your app collection:

interface MyApps {
  custom: CustomApp;
  other: OtherApp;

const computer = new Computer<MyApps>({
  apps: {
    custom: new CustomApp(),
    other: new OtherApp()
  config: {
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost:4242/my-computer'

Accessing the Computer

Inside your app, you can access the computer instance through this.computer:

class CustomApp extends App {
  async doSomething() {
    // Take a screenshot
    const screenshot = await this.computer.system.display.getScreenshot();
    // Execute a command
    await this.computer.system.bash.execute({
      command: 'echo "Hello from CustomApp"'

Example: Browser App

Here’s a complete example of a browser app that installs and controls a web browser:

import { App } from '@cusedev/core';

class BrowserApp extends App {
  constructor() {
      name: 'browser',
      platform: 'linux',
      autoStart: true

  async install(): Promise<void> {
    // Install Chrome browser
    await this.computer.system.bash.execute({
      command: 'apt-get install -y chromium-browser'

  async start(): Promise<void> {
    // Start Chrome in the background
    await this.computer.system.bash.execute({
      command: 'chromium-browser --no-sandbox &'

  async stop(): Promise<void> {
    // Kill Chrome processes
    await this.computer.system.bash.execute({
      command: 'pkill chromium'

  // Custom methods for browser control
  async navigate(url: string): Promise<void> {
    // Implementation for navigating to a URL

Best Practices

  1. Error Handling: Implement proper error handling in all lifecycle methods
  2. Cleanup: Ensure the stop() method properly cleans up all resources
  3. Idempotency: Make the install() method idempotent - it should be safe to call multiple times
  4. Documentation: Document any custom methods and requirements for your app
  5. Dependencies: Clearly specify any system dependencies your app requires