
The Computer class is the core interface for interacting with virtual computers in cuse. It provides access to system-level controls for display, mouse, keyboard, bash commands, and file editing capabilities.


When creating a new Computer instance, you can configure its properties:

const computer = new Computer({
  config: {
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost:4242/your-computer-name',
    display: {  // optional
      number: 1,
      width: 1024,
      height: 768

Configuration Options

baseUrlstringrequiredThe base URL for the computer’s API endpoint
display.numbernumber1Display number to control
display.widthnumber1024Display width in pixels
display.heightnumber768Display height in pixels

System Interface

The Computer provides access to several system-level interfaces through computer.system:

Display Control

Control the computer’s display:

// Take a screenshot of the current display
const screenshot = await computer.system.display.getScreenshot();

Mouse Control

Control mouse movements and clicks:

// Move mouse cursor
await computer.system.mouse.move({ x: 100, y: 200 });

// Get cursor position
const { x, y } = await computer.system.mouse.getPosition();

// Mouse clicks
await computer.system.mouse.leftClick();
await computer.system.mouse.rightClick();
await computer.system.mouse.middleClick();
await computer.system.mouse.doubleClick();

Keyboard Control

Simulate keyboard input:

// Press a single key
await computer.system.keyboard.pressKey({ key: 'enter' });

// Type text
await computer.system.keyboard.type({ text: 'Hello, World!' });

Bash Commands

Execute shell commands:

// Execute a command
const output = await computer.system.bash.execute({ 
  command: 'ls -la' 

// Restart the system
await computer.system.bash.restart();

File Editor

Manipulate files on the computer:

// View file contents
const content = await computer.system.editor.viewFile({
  path: '/path/to/file',
  viewRange: [1, 10] // optional: view specific lines

// Create a new file
await computer.system.editor.createFile({
  path: '/path/to/new/file',
  content: 'Hello, World!' // optional

// Replace text in a file
await computer.system.editor.replaceString({
  path: '/path/to/file',
  oldStr: 'old',
  newStr: 'new'

// Insert text at a specific line
await computer.system.editor.insertText({
  path: '/path/to/file',
  line: 5,
  text: 'New line content'

// Undo last edit
await computer.system.editor.undoLastEdit();


The Computer class includes a Keychain app that allows you to manage your passwords and credentials.

// Store credentials in keychain
await computer.keychain.setKey('my-service', {
  username: 'user123',
  password: 'securepass'

// Load credentials from keychain
const credentials = await computer.keychain.getKey('my-service');

Lifecycle Methods

The Computer class includes methods for managing the computer’s lifecycle:

// Shutdown the computer and all running apps